Wednesday, 30 July 2014

30th July Mendocino to Ferndale past some very tall trees

Still watching the fires...
Waiting for breakfast

Pygmy forest
Still foggy at the coast

Beach on Hw 1

Keep cool (35C!!) - hug a tree

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

29th July - Mendocino & Canoeing/ Kayaking on Big River

All the above before breakfast of (warm) pumpkin muffins

Picnic spot
25c (quarter) and a paw print .. surely not one of these ...

Foot print "Possibly  a Bob Cat" according to the guys in the canoeing shop.

Actual wildlife sightings today: cormorants, grebe of some sort, sea-otters and a humming bird
Time to chill

and finally, some politically explosive dessert

a b

Monday, 28 July 2014

28th July - Bodega to Mendocino

Been reading about the wildfires near Yosemite and Sacramento this morning!

Goat Rock - opposite Jenner

Salt Point State Park

More seals

Stump cove